Coach Yusif Basigi On Attachment Program In Germany

Hassacas Ladies head coach, Yusif Basigi will leave Ghana for a refreshing course in Germany. Joyce Boatey- Agyei and Baba Nuhu Malam will join him to Germany.

The 50-year-old Ghanaian will be having attachment in Germany next month as he aims at getting himself acquainted with football coaching.

Coach Yusif Basigi successfully ended the 2021/22 women Premier League season with Hassacas ladies as champions. He will leave Ghana for Germany on September 2022 for a coaching attachment program.

Coach Yusif Basigi is currently the head coach of Hassacas ladies. He is the first trainer to send Hassacas ladies to women champions league finals.

He propelled the side to win 2021/22 FA cup by beating Ampem Darkoa ladies


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