GWPL: Nine games without a win. Immigration Ladies are migrating to relegation

Ghana women’s premier league first round of the season is over and Immigration Ladies are yet to win a single game.

Four national security service teams are playing in the league, three in the southern zone and one in the northern zone.

Police Ladies, Army Ladies, Prisons Ladies and Immigration Ladies are the four national security service team in the league. Police ladies, Army and Immigration Ladies are in the Southern zone while Prisons Ladies are in the Northern zone.

Police Ladies and Army Ladies are doing well to some extend Prisons Ladies but the story is different for Immigration Ladies.

They [Immigration] were able to manage just 4 points out of possible 27 points and concluded 15 goals in nine games.

They are currently seating last on the league table in Southern zone with 4 points, 4 points behind the two teams in from of them.

Things are not looking good for them at all this season.


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